Biodiesel - an introduction...

Welcome to the first biodiesel newsletter.

So what's the big deal with biodiesel? What is it and why all the

Well, it can be derived from renewable domestic sources - so
obviously it's better for the environment.

Not only that but it can actually be made in your backyard (more on
this later) and so it reduces our dependency on importing foreign

Biodiesel contains no petroleum but it can be mixed with petro-diesel
to create a blend of the two.

Be aware that it's not the same as raw vegetable oil which in itself
cannot be used as fuel legally. Biodiesel is the first "alternative"
fuel to pass certain safety measures so it can be used on our roads.

Biodiesel has fewer emissions than regular petro-diesel,
it's renewable and it biodegrades quickly.

In short, it's the fuel of the future and it's saving our planet.

More soon...



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