A dose of investing tough love, from one Fool to another

Dear Investor,

Being a Fool sure is great, isn't it?

But hey, it's not all fun and games!

Sure, we're known for making great stock picks, beating the market, and well... having more fun than anyone else while we do it.

But as our company credo says, the core of our mission is to help the world invest -- better.

In other words, we're here to help individual investors -- that's you! -- make the smartest decisions on the path toward wealth and financial independence.

Fact is, sometimes living up to that mission goes beyond the fun of picking great stocks... and taking a stand for you.

  • That's why The Economist called us "an ethical oasis" in the financial industry.
  • It's why we've been called before Congress... not once, but twice... to testify on the rights on individual investors.
  • It's why Arthur Levitt, former chairman of the SEC, stopped by our offices to personally tell us we're "as close to being an effective investor advocate as any organization in America."


It's also why I'm writing you today...

You've heard a lot about Motley Fool Stock Advisor lately. That's because we genuinely believe it can put you in control of your financial future.

(And with returns of 206% over the last 13 years – nearly quadruple the S&P 500 – how could you argue?)

Yet... you still haven't taken us up on the membership offer you recently received.

See, part of helping the individual investors of the world invest better... of being YOUR wealth advocate... is giving you a bit of tough love from time to time.

Especially if it means putting you on the path to more money, wealth, and freedom with the advisory service the Wall Street Journal awarded with one of the TOP THREE spots in its ranking of more than 200 investment newslettersfor its performance between 2008 and 2013.

That's why we'll always give you the truth, even if it's a bit hard to hear.

And the truth is this...

You were recently offered chance to join Stock Advisor at our offer of 49% off the regular price -- a full $100 savings each year.

And based on our purchase data, if you don't join now, chances are you never will.

That has nothing to do with you. It's just how life is.

It usually works a little like this...

You see the 200+ picks that have more than doubled in value... the $116 worth of FREE bonus reports... the market-beating returns... and everything else Stock Advisor has to offer...

And decide that someday down the line, when you're ready, Stock Advisor will be a great financial choice for you.


"Life happens."

Things come up. Your attention gets diverted. And the best-intentioned plans to get serious about earning more in the stock market get sidetracked.

That perfect moment you're waiting on?

You know, the one when "you've figured it all out," completed all the research, and finally decided it's the perfect time to make an investment in your future?

It never comes. Believe me, I waited for it for years before I became a Fool!

Meanwhile, if you're waiting, you're missing out on the opportunity to lay the foundation for the future, today, by making a lot of money RIGHT NOW... just like these Stock Advisor members have:

"Bought 3x as much house... I managed a small brokerage account for my parents. Dad was changing jobs to a position that required him to buy a house... Thanks to the appreciation in Marvel, they were able to buy 3x as much house – free and clean – as initially budgeted."

Micheal M., Windermere, Florida

"Paid off a hundred times over... I always read The Motley Fool website, but to be honest I almost didn't buy the newsletter. At the time I had maybe $250 to invest. I am so glad I did because my subscription price has been paid off a hundred times over."

Danny V., Longmont, Colorado


Look, no one likes taking unnecessary risks. We all want to feel like we're fully ready to make important decisions in life.

That's why we wait for those "perfect moments."

But if you ask me, the biggest risk of all is waiting to put your money to work for you right now... especially when you can lock a 49% discount with no obligation thanks to my 100%, no-questions-asked guarantee.

So get started today by clicking the button below.

You'll get immediate access to our 10 Best Buy Now stocks, our 10 Starter stocks, and more than 170 other immediately-actionable active stock recommendations so you can begin making profitable investments right away!

At The Motley Fool, we don't wait for the perfect time to invest. And guess what?

You're a Fool now, too, and all Fools know the best moment to invest your money is the current one!


Just click HERE to take the next step!

Here’s to growing wealthy together, today!


Eric Bleeker, CFA
The Motley Fool

P.S. My "tough love" deal won't last forever! So make sure you lock in your best-ever price and $116 in FREE bonus gifts by clicking here now!

P.P.S. Here are the full details on that membership fee-back guarantee: Cancel in the first 30 days and we'll refund every penny. Cancel anytime after that and we'll refund the entire value left in your member account. And keep all the issues and bonus reports you've received, no matter what! What can I say? Even our fine print is Foolish. So please click here to take advantage.


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We work fervently, feverishly, and Foolishly to make sure all the facts and figures we publish in our emails are 100% accurate and up to date.
Stock Advisor newsletter returns as of November 29, 2015. Unless otherwise noted, all numbers as of November 29, 2015.

"Look Who's on Top Now" appeared in The Wall Street Journal which reference Hulbert's rankings of the best performing newsletters over a 5 year period from 2008-2013. Stock Advisor total returns since March 2002.

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