Our top 10 stocks right now

Technically, buying stocks is easy.

Because thanks to the internet, you can open a brokerage account in less than 10 minutes.

And after that, buying or selling a stock is as easy as checking your email.

But, of course, that's when things get hard.

Because there are thousands of publicly traded companies out there... how do you know which ones to buy?

This is where most people get stuck.

The question of which companies to buy is one you shouldn't take lightly.

Because if you choose wisely, you could stand to make a massive fortune.

But if you choose poorly, you could stand to lose your life's savings.

Which means that picking stocks without careful research or professional help can be a recipe for disaster.

But finding good help is easier said than done.

Many financial advisors and stockbrokers are just bad at their jobs.

They aren't skilled stock market analysts, they're just salesmen looking to extract their next commission from your nest egg.

And as if that weren't bad enough, they get their commissions regardless of how well their advice actually works.

The good news is that I have a simple solution for you: Motley Fool Stock Advisor.

The first thing to know about Stock Advisor is that The Wall Street Journal recently gave The Motley Fool the top three rankings out of 200 other investment-advisory services based on their performance from 2008-2013.

Let me say that again, because it bears repeating: in a competition for The Wall Street Journal's best investment-advisory services, The Motley Fool won first, second, and third place.

That's no easy feat — it's like winning Gold, Silver, and Bronze metals in an event at the Olympics.

Here's a quote from the Wall Street Journal article:

"Consider this: The three top spots in the Hulbert Financial Digest's five-year rankings of more than 200 investment-advisory services all buy and hold quality companies.

Remarkably, all three are subscription newsletters published by the same advisory firm, the Motley Fool in Alexandria, Va., which was founded by brothers Tom and David Gardner in 1993."

So you're probably wondering why The Motley Fool is viewed so well.

Well, in the game of investment rankings, only performance matters.

And since Stock Advisor started in 2002, the recommended picks have returned almost 180%.

For context, that's over 3 times better than the market average, which returned just 51% during the same period.

Here's a chart that gives you a clear picture of just how well Stock Advisor has done:


Why Stock Advisor Members Are Preparing For Tomorrow

If you've been reading my emails for the past few weeks, you know that Tom and David just released new stock picks.

Now, obviously members are excited about the new picks.

But we heard from many people wondering what other stocks they should buy.

And that's totally understandable. After all, it isn't safe to have a portfolio with just one or two stocks in it.

So Tom and David are taking it up a notch.

They're taking a close look at every stock they've ever recommended...

And creating a definitive list of their top 10 best stocks to buy right now.

In other words, two of the best investors in the world are willing to tell you their 10 best stock ideas...

And you're invited to sign up for front-row seats today.

You should know that Fool HQ is buzzing with excitement about this list.

Because Tom and David published a list like this 5 years ago (February 19, 2010 to be exact), and just look at how well the stocks in that top 10 list have done since then:

David Gardner

Tom Gardner

  • ATVI up 156%

  • Amazon up 354%

  • Apple up 352%

  • MHS up 97%

  • Disney up 312%

  • Aflac up 51%

  • LLTC up 71%

  • MORN up 98%

  • UNH up 307%

  • Western Union up 32%

Had you joined when that top ten list came out 5 years ago and invested $1,000 in each of the 10 stocks, you'd have $28,300 today.

Just think about that... a 283% return in just 5 years.

And if you had invested $5,000 in each? You'd have $141,500 today.

You can't go back to 2010 and buy those stocks, and we can't promise these stocks will perform as well as those did, but you can join Stock Advisor today to make sure you don't miss out again.

There's Just One Catch...

You see, Tom is announcing his top 5 stocks tomorrow.

Which means that you don't have much time left to be among the first to see these stocks.

So if you want to get this top ten list, I highly recommend you join today to lock-in your spot.

And don't worry if you're on the fence! Stock Advisor comes with a 30-day full money-back guarantee so you can join with absolutely no risk.

Simply click the link below to join Motley Fool Stock Advisor today:

YES! Send me Tom and David's top 10 stock list!

Fool on,


Eric Bleeker, CFA
The Motley Fool

We work fervently, feverishly, and Foolishly to make sure all the facts and figures we publish in our emails are 100% accurate and up to date. Returns as of September 22, 2015. David Gardner owns shares of Activision Blizzard, Amazon.com, Apple, and Walt Disney. The Motley Fool owns shares of Amazon.com, Apple, Express Scripts, and Walt Disney. "Look Who's on Top Now" appeared in The Wall Street Journal which reference Hulbert's rankings of the best performing newsletters over a 5 year period from 2008-2013. Stock Advisor total returns since March 2002.

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uclabennett said...

I'm pretty sure 1000 to 28300 is more than. 283% return.

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